Bucket List Things

Aeroplan (Air Canada Loyalty Plan) and Air Canada Adds Complimentary COVID Insurance

Air Canada announced today that they are providing complimentary coverage (include complimentary Manulife COVID-19 (emergency medical and quarantine insurance) for COVIS-19 for flights booked…

Planning Your Next Trip as Travel Re-Opens?

You might find this timeline from Skift to be a useful tool. https://reopening.travel/reopening/international-reopening/?__hstc=205458831.663bd0569f8ccd49f51a0e8b0465ab75.1590700294207.1591275502489.1591277654500.7&__hssc=205458831.2.1591277654500&__hsfp=352593515#038;__hssc=205458831.1.1591277654500&__hsfp=352593515   I know I already have 4 trips planned. Late June…

10 Travel Essentials for Flights – Black Friday and Christmas are on Us

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” That helps to defray the cost of my website. Product prices and availability are accurate as…