Is This What I am Now?

I started this blog because all my friends kept telling me that they lived vicariously through my travels or that they wanted to go to a destination that I had posted about on FaceBook.

I came to realize that, as I transition to a life/ work balance of more life – less work, that I needed to supplement my wanderlust expenses. It seemed like a blog was a good way to go. I could post about my travels, become a social media maven and a trusted source of information on low cost, senior adventure travel. (Well not always low cost and not always adventure and hell – I am not a senior by my definition – unless a discount is in the offing).

When I decided to join some of the Travel Industry professional organizations, I was asked about my role. I would have called myself a blogger, but the only option on some of the forms was as an “Online Content Creator”. Now there is a classification as a “Travel Influencer”. I could appreciate being called an influencer and I certainly am creating online content, but let me define what I think I am.

I am a guy who loves to travel – sometimes solo and sometimes as part of a small group. I am not a big tour traveller. No buses full of seniors in short pants looking for a bathroom or a souvenir shop for me. I am only so-so on cruises as I hate to think that I might miss the boat, they don’t wait for you. I am a guy who loves to take photos and document his travels. I don’t have a big ego and I am not a paid “shill” .

I will take amazing photos, videos, drone shots and write articles but I will always disclose if I am being paid and by whom. I will also maintain my independence and say what I really think (let’s face it- a place would have to be REALLY bad for me to speak negatively, that is not how I roll.

But Instagrammers and “Travel Influencers” seem to be getting delusions of grandeur and an over-inflated sense of entitlement. See the article below:

To paraphrase Meatloaf “I will do anything for travel – But I won’t do that”

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  1. Interesting article on ‘influencers’, there are always those few that need to spoil a good thing … thanks JJ – Annette

  2. Interesting article on ‘influencers’, there’s always those few that need to spoil a good thing … thanks JJ – Annette

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